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Articles and Online Publications



“Disability, diversity, and corporate social responsibility: Learning from recognized leaders in inclusion”
Authors: Robert Gould, Sarah Parker Harris, Courtney Mullin and Robin Jones (Gould et. al, 2020)
January 1, 2020

Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation Volume 52 pages 29–42 DOI: 10.3233/JVR-19105

People with disabilities remain underrepresented in the workforce. Four practices that organizations use to showcase disability inclusion were identified: diversity and inclusion statements, employee resource groups, supplier diversity initiatives, and targeted hiring and recruitment plans. Disability continues to be seen as an example of charity, and is seldom recognized as an asset for diversity. Click here for PDF


“5 Powerful Ways to Take REAL Action on DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)”
Author: Center for Creative Learning Writing Staff
January 10, 2022

Article provides insight on how to get started with developing DEI standards. Identifies solutions using a four-step framework to help shift mindsets, behaviors, and practices toward more equitable and inclusive leadership for individuals, teams, and organizations. Outlines 5 powerful ways to take real action on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion to create sustainable workplace culture. Click here for article. 


“This library lets you borrow people instead of books. It just may help bridge our bitter divisions”
Author: John Blake, CNN
November 14, 2021

Human Library, a nonprofit learning platform that allows people to borrow people instead of books, to encourage people to "unjudge" a book by its cover. Every "human book" from this library represents a group that faces prejudice or stigmas because of their lifestyle, ethnicity, beliefs, or disability. 

Click here for article. 


“Understanding the gender spectrum”
Author: Kitty Giraudel
October 8th, 2021

Article introduces the concept of gender identity and expression, and defines terminology, explains the use of pronouns, reviews appropriate etiquette, and the importance of explaining why and how collecting gender information is needed.    

Click here for article. 


“Identity beyond Disability. Intersectional Approaches to Disability”
Author: DnA’s Blog

Apr 12, 2019

Article highlights how disability comprises one part of a person’s identity, that may influence, but may not define one’s identity. Language is key; negative language can reinforce oppression and discrimination. The use of positive language can assist in achieving an intersectional approach to building, empowering and inclusive support for people with disabilities.

Click here for article. 


“Developmental Disabilities Across Cultures”
Editors: Cecilia Baxter, MD & William Mahoney, MD
March 2018

Article explores the impact of culture on disabilities and the view of what it means to be healthy. Article highlights best practices of working with families from various ethnic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds that involves cross-cultural competence. How different cultures view, understand and provide “treatment” of developmental disabilities is reviewed.

Click here for article. 


“Why It Took Me Years to Become a Proud Disabled Woman”

Author shares her experience growing up having others tell her how to hide her disability and her transition to the mindset of, she “deserves the right to take up space”. She now can say, and makes it a point to call herself a “proud disabled woman”.

Click here for article.


“What It’s Like Being Disabled and Asian in America”
Author: Wendy Lu
April 12, 2019

Article explores how the pressures of needing to conform to Western values, lifestyles and standards of success can be difficult for disabled Asian Americans. The article reviews misconceptions, stigmas, and Asian cultural and family views of disability.

Click here for article. 


“Acculturation & Attitudes towards Disability for Arab Americans”
Authors: Tarek Zidan, MSW, Ph.D, Keith Chan, MSW, Ph.D
Journal of Mental Health and Social Behaviour

December 12, 2019

A literature review to understand acculturation and attitudes toward awareness of how Arab Americans’ struggle can impact their attitudes toward persons with disabilities in Arab communities.

Click here for article. 


“Disability in the Latino Community”
Author: mpgarcia, Media Specialist at NARIC
September 21, 2012

Though views within the Latino community on disability are very similar, perceptions and approach to disability vary on factors such as socio-economic status, country of origin, and living situation. The Latino disability community faces many barriers in finding services or programs within the U.S. Insuring bilingual and culturally sensitive services are imperative to success.

Click here for article. 


“Disability: What Have Black People Got to Do With it?”

Author: Angel Love Miles

April 22, 2020

Author shares her experience living as an African American, female with Spina Bifida, and how the intersectionality of her race, gender, and disability influenced her live experiences and perspectives.

Click here for article. 


“African Americans With Disabilities Overlooked”
Author: Susan LoTempio,
June 23, 2020

Article identifies that African Americans experience the highest disability and living in poverty rate; the lowest high school graduation and employment rate; and experience barriers to accessing appropriate and needed health care. Historical African American figures and today’s racial inequalities experienced by African Americans omit the struggles of African Americans with disabilities impacted within the African American community.   

Click here for article.


“Native American Concepts of Disability”
Author: Marisa Leib-Neri 
July 23, 2015

Within many Native American tribes is an ability to embrace difference in a variety of ways. The closest translation of “disability” is “being different”. Pre-colonial Native Americans never formed a firm definition of normality because their cultures were disability inclusive. Native American cultures believe that disability, (difference) is the result of “disharmony of the spirit”. Click here for article. 




  • Shaewitz, Dahlia and Yin, Michelle. “Identifying Racial Differences in Vocational Rehabilitation Services.” Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 2021, p. 003435522110482. Click here for publication. 


  • Madonna G. Constantine Teachers College, Columbia University "Racial Microaggressions Against African American Clients in Cross-Racial Counseling Relationships"

    • This study examined the relationships among African American clients’ perceptions of their White counselors with respect to (a) perceived racial microaggressions in cross-racial counseling relationships, (b) the counseling working alliance, (c) their counselors’ general and multicultural counseling competence, and (d) their counseling satisfaction. Click here for publication.


  • Robert L. Stevens, PhD Erica L. Wondolowski, PhD Department of Behavioral Sciences, Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, AR Gregory A. Wilson, BA Clinton School of Public Service, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR "Navigating the Unique Landscape of Clients Who Identify as LGBTQ+ in Vocational Rehabilitation: A Social Justice Primer"​

    • Clients who identify as both a person with a disability and a member of the LGBTQ+ community (LGBTQxPWD) present with their own unique worldviews and subsequent needs when seeking Rehabilitation Counseling. It remains the ethical and professional responsibility of the Rehabilitation Counselor to engage in practices which not only further their understanding of the sociopolitical and individual environments which impact these clients. 

Click here for publication.


  • Erin K. Popejoy, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Kendra Shoge, Marietta College Cameron Houin, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville "Cultivating Multicultural Competency in Supervision Using an Identity Style Framework"

    • Multicultural competency is a necessary component of counselor supervision. However, when ingrained and unquestioned biases tied to personal identity arise, it may feel impossible to have important conversations in a professional and safe way. Click here for publication.


  • Rehabilitation Services Administration U.S. Department of Education The Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation The University of Arkansas "Assume Nothing! A Monograph from the 38th Institute on Rehabilitation Issues To Address Underserved Populations, Including Individuals Who Are Deaf-Blind"

    • The persistence of inequitable access to and utilization of vocational rehabilitation (VR) services for members of racial and ethnic minorities and people with low-incidence disabilities, such as deaf-blindness, is well documented. 

Click here for publication.



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